
Automation of window shutters


My house has window shutters like in the picture bellow :


I have 8 of them, for each, there is a double switch button for up/down.

The idea was to automate them, I mean, I would like to keep the existing up/down switch and add another switch used for all of them (general switch).

Shutter were wired like this at the beginning :


In this schematic you can see how it works, one thing that is not visible is the mechanical mechanisn that avoid to have up and down activated in the same time. In fact you can have only 3 states :


Up Down
0 0
1 0
0 1


Down = 1 with Up = 1 is simply not possible for obvious reason.

Also this is not only push buttons, once the button’s state change, it stays in this state. In the motor mechanism there is an integrated switch that stops motor for both completely open and completely close shutter.

So to be able to make an automation, there is several choices like buy some dedicated modules, using radio modules… I chosed to put some new wires to centralize all. The schematic is now :


So for each shutter, I have 4 wires that come at the same location. Here is a picture of all wires :


Then once all wires arrived at the same location it is easier to make the automation.

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